Budgerigars, Kozakura, is a quiz app for small parrots such as Okame.nTheir feelings can know in quiz format, you have to enjoy.nFull of information to help
セキセイ、コザクラ、オカメなど小型インコのためのクイズアプリです。彼らは人間と同じく喜怒哀楽の表現がかなり豊かで主に仕草で感情をアピールします。そんなインコの気持ちをクイズ形式で知ることができ、楽しめるようにしました。嬉しいとき、悲しいとき、怒ってるとき、いじけてるとき、悲しいとき、具合悪いときそれぞれ、サインを出しますので、インコが今何を考えているのか、自分に対してどんな感情を向けているのかを理解できるようになれば、コミュニケーションも一層楽しくなるものです。また、彼らも飼い主が自分の言いたいことを汲み取ってくれたら、きっと嬉しくなるはずです。飼い方含め随時更新していく予定ですので末永くお付き合いください。Budgerigar, Kozakura, is a quiz app for small parrots such as Okame.They will appeal to emotion in the same mainly gesture quite expressive of emotions and human beings.It is possible to know the feelings of such a parrot in a quiz format, you have to enjoy.When happy, when sad, when you are angry, when you are stunted, when sad, when the condition worseRespectively, because the issues to sign, or are thinking what Inco is now, whether of which is directed toward any feelings toward their ownIf to be able to understand, is what communication is also more fun.In addition, they also After me Kumito that want to say owners of their own, it should surely be pleased.Please bear with me forever because it is going to go from time to time update shepherd way included.プライバシーポリシー広告表示